Yoni Kozminski: Our Mission Is To Create Fair Paying Jobs For Talent Based In The Philippines

November 7, 2022

Our mission is to create fair paying jobs for talent based in the Philippines:

Since January 2020, MultiplyMii & Escala have grown from a team of 4 to over 350 people on payroll supporting more than 100 businesses that are responsible for more than 750M+ in annual revenue online.

We believe that empowering managers with the skills needed to onboard and build true growth plans allow for much longer term results for all involved.

Tell us about yourself?

About Yoni: He has spent over a decade in digital marketing & creative advertising globally including places like Australia (origin), Los Angeles, and Tel Aviv developing digital strategy for the likes of Mercedez- Benz, Mastercard, Sony, Medtronic, and many 8-figure eCommerce brands.

In 2018 Yoni expanded an eCommerce/Amazon business from $2 million to $5 million in 12 months that was sold in 2019.

A key driver was the ability to build a fluid process, as well as a team of incredibly talented individuals in the Philippines. 

Since January 2020, MultiplyMii & Escala have grown from a team of 4 to over 350 people on payroll supporting more than 100 businesses that are responsible for more than 750M+ in annual revenue online.

It was the experince in the eCom business that drove me to care more about the people and shared values I had to create a better reality for all.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Get clear on the vision, write down a structured plan and scream it from the mountain tops for all to hear.

What problem does your business solve?

Finding high quality talent in the Philppines and ensure they stick – NOT VAs but high calibre full time professoinals.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The ability to build a worldclass team at a fraction of western prices without having to create the job description or worse, do the recruitment, onboarding and perfrmance management planning yourself.

What is your magic sauce?

Unilke traditional BPOs, we place FT talent into businesses teach them how to fish as it relates to onboarding, managing and retaining talent.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

The vision of the businesses (there are four sits into transforming this into something that is more closely linked to Private Equity or VC 2.0 where by we invest in businesses through way of resrouces and capital to help them grow to a level they would not have otherwise been able to achieve.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

People. At it’s core, we are humans working with humans.

Building an enviroment that both attracts and retains the very best is the hardest thing for anyone to achieve.

There is no specific moment in time where this was problematic, it is the life blood of a succesful business and something that we continue to imporve and evolve.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We want to help professionalize the SME space to ensure they get access to the talent on only the top 1% on corporates are able to attract.

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